Saturday, June 23, 2018

Visiting the Graves of Anderson, Branch, Garland, and Starke

     George B. Anderson, Lawrence O'Bryan Branch, Samuel Garland, and William Starke are all names of Confederate general officers forever connected to the Maryland Campaign. The four generals were killed or mortally wounded during the operations in Maryland, one at South Mountain (Garland) and three at Antietam. I have made it a point to visit all of their graves on my travels throughout the years, and I have passed by the battlefield monuments noting their deaths numerous times. Below are some of the pictures and information on the Army of Northern Virginia's four general officers that died as a result of the campaign.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Army of the Potomac Armament project is complete, mostly!

     I have just posted my research to discover what type of firearm each regiment of the Army of the Potomac carried during the Maryland Campaign. You can download the full spreadsheet and read the findings and methodology under the "Army of the Potomac Armament" tab.
     This is an ongoing project and requires your assistance to complete. If you have sources that differ from what the spreadsheet says, please get in touch with me and let me know.