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Courtesy of learn2pronounce.com |
"[T]he name is destined to be a household word in all time to come," they wrote. "The name is Antietam--pronounced An-tee-tam, with the accent on the second syllable."
Since people of many different backgrounds populated and fought on the Antietam battlefield and the others of the Maryland Campaign, here is a short pronunciation guide to some of the campaign's toughest words and names:
Alpheus (Williams): al-FEE-us
(Lewis) Armistead: ARM-sted
Bolivar: BAHL-i-vur
Boteler (Boteler's Ford): BOHT-ler or BOT-ler
(John Bowyer) Brockenbrough: BRO-ken-bro
(John) Buford: BYOO-furd
(Alfred) Colquitt: KOL-kwit
Darius Couch: duh-RI-us kowch
(William D.) DeSaussure: DES-ses-soh or DES-suh-soh
(Abram and Jacob) Duryee: dur-YAY
(Frederick) D'Utassy: doo-TASSY
Evander (Law): i-VAN-der
(Richard) Garnett: GAHR-nit
(John) Hartranft: HAHRT-ranft
(Joseph) Knipe: nipe
Lafayette (McLaws): luh-FAY-et
(Albert) Magilton: muh-JIL-tun or MAHJ-ul-tun
(Thomas) Meagher: marr or muh-HAR
Mumma: MOO-maw
(William) Pegram: PEE-grum
(John) Semmes: semz
(Moxley) Sorrel: sor-RELL
Little Sorrel: SOR-ul
(Alexander) Taliaferro: TAHL-i-vur
(Charles) Urquhart: UHR-kut
(William) Wofford: WAH-furd
Comment below if you have any names and pronunciations you want to add to the list.
*Thanks to Tom Clemens and Robert Quigley's Civil War Spoken Here for assistance with this post.
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